
The Happiness Of Designer Handbags

Bags have evolved through the years from simple carriers or containers that offer easy convenience to accessories that cost big money. The Chinese were the first to use specific bags to put the tea leaves inside which they use to make tea. Designer handbags evolved over several centuries from trendy accessories to fashion statements.
Designer handbags’ prices may range from the very conservative $100 up to pretty much as high as the designer sees fit. The prices of the bags are supposed to correspond to the fine materials and quality of craftsmanship that is incorporated into the production of the bag. Another factor which affects the value of the bags is the names of the company that produces them or the designers who visualizes them from scratch.
These bags have come along way from being just carriers. The designer handbags of today are often revamped from an earlier version or a spin-off of a popular design. Most of these are made popular by the endorsements of celebrities and other rich and famous people who use them in the spotlight. Celebrities are very good endorsers of designer handbags because they often appear in the public eye via television, tabloid and the movies.
Due to the popularity of several designer handbags, enterprising individuals have resorted to making replicas of them. The imitation of designer handbags is a very big industry. The popularity of most of these hand bags prompts a counterfeiting industry to mass produce several millions of the bags and sell them at a fraction of the original bags’ price. Knock offs are gaining popularity because they do not have a lot of differences from the originals bags.
Designer handbags range from Louis Vuitton, Prada, Fendi, Gucci and so much more. These brands are among the most sought after bags and they are also the most counterfeited brands. The replica bags are often manufactured in third world countries where labor is cheap and there are not as many laws concerning piracy and counterfeiting.
Well-Known Endorsers
Every woman wants to get a pretty designer handbag, but only an exclusive group can afford these luxury items. Celebrity endorsement is what is driving the bag phenomenon. Some branded designer bags are made popular by the endorsements of celebrities and other rich and famous people who use them in the spotlight. Celebrities have now become walking and talking billboards with their endorsing brands. And the company does need to pay them for their talent fee.

